Información sobre MANUFACTURAS Y MAQUINADOS ACEVEDO instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instaladas

Schedule Delivery Dates, Sale Delivery Dates
odoo app will schedule different delivery orders for sale order based on given delivery dates on sale order line, sale delivery by date,Sale Delivery Schedule, sale based on delivery date, sale different delivery,delivery by dates
Odoo 15 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget, Recurring Payments, Lock Dates, Fiscal Year For Odoo15 Community Edition, Accounting Dashboard, Financial Reports, Customer Follow up Management, Bank Statement Import, Odoo Budget
Odoo 15 Fiscal Year & Lock Date
Odoo 15 Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year in Odoo 15, Lock Date in Odoo 15
De presupuestos a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Organiza y planea tus proyectos
Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
Asigne PTO y siga las peticiones de permisos
Proceso de Selección
Seguimiento al flujo de reclutamiento
Centralice la información de los empleados
Attendance Geolocation - Attendance Location
This module helps you to capture the employees attendance check in / check out Geolocation Coordinates information and generate a direct links to Google Maps from Employee Attendance.
Hide Cost Price and Sale Price of product
Hide product cost price and sale price
Employee Attendance Using Camera
Attendance By Barcode Module, Attendance By QRCode App, Attendance Management, Attendance By Mobile Barcode, Attendance From Mobile Barcode, Attendance Mobile Barcode Scanner, Attendance Mobile QRCode Scanner Odoo
All in One Gantt View | Workorder Gantt View | Production Gantt View | Project Task Gantt View | Sale Order Gantt view | Time Off Gantt view | Advanced
The Planning view gives you a clear overview of what is already planned and what remains to be planned using Start Date and End Date. It has Workorder Gantt View, Production Gantt View, Project Task Gantt View, , Time Off Gantt View and Sale Order Gantt view
Meeting Minutes - Agenda, Actions, Printing MOM
This module helps to manage meetings, add agenda, actions and minutes of meeting to stay organized! Event agenda, Meeting agenda checklist, Event meeting minutes, Event notes PDF, Minute of meeting notes PDF, Agenda and minutes of meeting report, Print Minutes of the meeting report, Print Meeting Minutes PDF, Print Meetings Minutes PDF, Print Minutes of Meetings PDF, Print Calendar Event, Print PDF report meeting minutes, Meeting checklist agenda, Event checklist, Print MOM,
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Programa las reuniones de empleados
Gestiona tu flota y rastrea los costes de los vehículos
Cree encuestas y analice las respuestas
Segumiento a asistencias de empleados
Organice su trabajo con recordatorios
Administración de habilidades
Gestione habilidades, conocimiento y el currículum de sus empleados
Empleos en línea
Gestione su proceso de contratación online.
Contratos de los empleados

Localizaciones / plan de cuentas instalados

México - Contabilidad
Administrador de documentos Digitales